Leerlingen uit MYP, DP, tto en vwo zijn bezig met de organisatie van een Model United Nations conferentie. RijnMUN vindt plaats van 11 t/m 13 oktober 2024.

Een Model United Nations (MUN) is een conferentie, die overal in de wereld kan worden georganiseerd, door en voor studenten of scholieren. Bij een MUN worden conferenties van de werkorganen van de Verenigde Naties nagebootst. De voertaal is doorgaans Engels. GeĆÆnteresseerd? Neem een kijkje op de website gemaakt door onze leerlingen. Bekijk hieronder de video waarin de leerlingen zich voorstellen:

What is MUN?

Model United Nations (MUN) is an educational simulation where students take on the role of a country’s representative (known as a delegate) and debate with other delegates. Students will be given real-world issues with the goal of reaching a solution together with others during the conference, where each debate from the perspective of their representing countries. Debates will be moderated by student officers, who are experienced MUN students selected by the RijnMUN Board of Directors.

Who is RijnMUN for?

RijnMUN will be for all students of any age between 14-18 and will be aimed towards providing a low-cost conference for complete beginners to comfortably get acquainted with the MUN community through beginner workshops and guided debates. Through this educational model of the United Nations, participants can improve their public speaking skills, critical thinking, as well as honing their knowledge about international relations and real issues in the global community. It is suitable for students interested in politics, history, debating, environmental and or human rights, law, or just simply interested in making friends from other schools!

Interested? Find out more about RijnMUN at www.rijnmun.org and keep an eye out on RijnMUNā€™s official Instagram and TikTok accounts!